The challenge and mind set of being a realtor helps Patrick test his limits while gaining valuable knowledge and insight on the industry. The fulfillment of being able to share his knowledge and sell unique properties is extremely rewarding to him...

Similarly, the satisfaction of artisticly crafting a deal and seeing it through to close with happy clients is why he become a realtor.


Patrick was born and raised in Winnipeg. For fun as a child Patrick remembers taking 25 steps to the banks of the Red River and launching himself down the cliffs on his GT snow racer. Patrick moved to Edmonton in 2003. Since moving to Edmonton he has embraced the opportunities Alberta has to offer.

After graduating from College Jeanne-Sauvé, Patrick studied tourism and entrepreneurship in Winnipeg, and more recently real estate in Edmonton. With an equal passion for planes, trains, and automobiles, Patrick's passion for unique properties has been his number one obsession since childhood. The "big project and dream" is to develop a piece of lake front property he has in Northern British Columbia for eco-tourism.

Fun Fact: Patrick was the mascot, Mickey the Moose, for the Manitoba Moose hockey club.

Areas of specialty: First time homebuyers, single family homes.

Fantasy Vacation: Visit France with my children, mother, and sister.

Favorite Childhood Memory: Playing baseball with father is a memory I hold on to since his passing.

Favorite saying: "Success is the sum of small efforts day in and day out" -Robert Collier-

Favorite movie: Top Gun

Favorite food: Blueberry stuffed crepes

If you could prepare a meal for someone who and what would it be? I would prepare fresh greens and braised lamb for Nelson Mandela

Teacher that influenced you the most and why? M. Ragoonaden was my favorite high school teacher. His humor made history and geography en français enjoyable. His last name was also fun to say.


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